Buildings & Contents Insurance
Whether you’re looking to insure your property, your belongings or both, we’ll find you the right cover to protect your home should the unexpected happen.
Home insurance is essential for protecting your home and belongings. It's straightforward to arrange and safeguards against events like burglary, fire, and flood.
With so many policies available, choosing the right one can be overwhelming. That's where an adviser can help you find the best deal for your needs.
Buildings Insurance
This covers the structure and permanent fixtures of your home, protecting against damage from events like storms, fire, and vandalism.
Your coverage should reflect the cost to rebuild your home, not its market value. An adviser can help you determine the right level of cover. Buildings insurance is usually required by mortgage lenders, with the insurer's name included on the policy schedule.
Contents Insurance
Contents insurance covers your possessions from loss, damage, or theft. It includes items you'd take if you moved, like furniture, electronics, and valuables. Policies are either 'new for old' or indemnity, which factors in depreciation.
Ensure your coverage amount is adequate to avoid being underinsured. Make a list of your belongings, including items in storage, to determine the sum assured.
Additional Cover
You can extend your policy to cover valuables away from home, such as mobile phones and laptops, with specific item limits.
Additional options include cover for legal expenses, home emergencies, accidental damage, and more for extra peace of mind.
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